Moving to Guadalajara…

by Ploum on 2007-02-07

As from the 14th of March, I will quit Waterloo and move to a bigger city called Guadalajara. I will stay there for at least 3 months and, who knows, maybe more if I like living in Mexico and I can find a job there. Do I forget to mention it ? Guadalajara is indeed in Mexico.


Guadalajara is between Mexico city and the Pacific Ocean

There’s a couple of things I will need so, dear lazyweb, if you can help me to find them, any help would be gladly appreciated 🙂

I know it sounds silly to ask that on my blog. But anyway, I can always ask. So, if you have any advice to share with me, don’t hesitate to contact me : ploum at


And now, the FAQ for friends :

Why not ?

Because I have very good friends there. My friend David told me one day : « If you want to come in Mexico, I will help you to find a job there ! ». He was joking. I just replied : « We have a deal ! »

If I knew it, there would be no sense to go there 🙂

I guess that I learn quickly

Yes, of course. But not in the way you think. She lives in Paris and she’s a very close friend. I know, it sounds mysterious, it isn’t. It’s just a friend.

None (yet?). The only girl I know from Guadalajara lives now in Paris. But if all girls in Guadalajara are like her, I feel I will stay more than 3 months 😉

I don’t know. How can I ? I don’t consider this as an hollyday at all. I want to try to live there. But living in Mexico and in Belgium seems to be somewhat a different experience. Will I like it ? Will I adapt to it ? Is the Internet connection fast enought ? The only way to know is to try.

In Mexico, the only way to communicate is by using engraved stones sent over carrier pigeon. So it might be difficult. (Yes, it is a dumb question !) As I have a blog, I will not send mails to 100 people to keep them informed about how sick I am after eating mexican food. If you want to receive such news in your mailbox, just subscribe to the list.

I hope so ! Why not doing something huge for my birthday ? (9th of March, as a reminder 😉 )

Well, at first I will live in my friends house. But as soon as I live alone, you are of course welcome !

It’s snowing here in Waterloo. I’m pretty sure that the Sun is shinning in Guadalajara. Anyway, life is Über sweet, I like it 🙂 Rock-n-roll !

I’m Ploum, a writer and an engineer. I like to explore how technology impacts society. You can subscribe by email or by rss. I value privacy and never share your adress.

I write science-fiction novels in French. For Bikepunk, my new post-apocalyptic-cyclist book, my publisher is looking for contacts in other countries to distribute it in languages other than French. If you can help, contact me!
